*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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The Understanding of Our Universe?

Greetings to you! It is good to be with you again. Our subject this morning is one of 'intrigue' and longing? (perhaps for more intelligence, and information) But how did we arrive at this subject. Well, a certain individual in this class, thinks they 'know' everything! Well let's see! We'll look at several instances where an unlimited source of worldwide knowledge reigns. "The Universe!" Sometimes when I'm driving on a long stretch of highway, I often wonder at how very large our reflective sun is and that it could easily contain at least one million Earth's-size planets inside it! But, in the grand 'scheme' of things it's only a 'dot' in measurement! And it's only one of about 400 billion stars that 'light-up' our 'Milky-Way' galaxy! And there may be, yet 100 Billion more galaxies detectible by our telescopes.

But we have yet to incorporate our water system! Many of our ancestors may have been somewhat aquatic! We find perhaps many of our progenitors with aquatic tendencies, and histories! 14,000 years ago, in 'The Sea of Japan' we see buried edifices and steps that carried people at one time! But who built this submerged civilization? There is also 'The Dragon Triangle' that has caused many undue death's in the region! Don't try to travel through it, or fly 'over it!" Because if you do terrible 'submergible' things may happen to you! Even in some ancient scriptures, there are horrible outcomes in the lives of those who travelled through 'The Devils Sea of Japan! But our present, precarious student still has not had enough for today!

100 billion galaxies in the range of U.S. telescopes are probably only a miniscule fraction of the total number we could count in the universe. This makes us all seem rather small. But realistically, as far as we (as a species) are concerned, there is a biological scientific basis and reason for what we call 'race' in this world. Most of us (whether we know it or not) are a mixed (but related) breed species. Most of a similar or familiar relationship exists. But this is race as we know it may transcend time. And it is now beyond a doubt that human evolution is a continuous process that eventually finds its way into our total reality from about 50,000 years ago up to this present time!

Still, the universes directivity may never reach us. With its reality of planets, light, and universal microbes travelling so fast in the 'opposite' direction from us! Our physical reality (here and now) is intimately connected to those now 'invisible' galaxies that are still a part of our universe which is made of the same types of 'atoms, electrons, protons, neutrinos, and quarks!' (And a bunch of other invisible 'stuff!') we are all made of! However, recent ideas in physics have come-up with vast new (and old) principles like 'String theory and electromagnetic wave lengths.' In fact, they make-up at least 11 (still rather untraceable) strange dimensions!

Be that as it may, we in all our trite endeavors, still cannot really tell 'where we came from!' It could in all likelihood be a 'Panspermia' starting sequence that spawned our basic universal existence. Our 'Har-1' brain genetic anatomy and it's 25,000 gene structures could have easily transported itself from 'Mars' (or another planet with a similar background) That's called 'Bilateral Symmetry!' And this state of affairs could have easily started our worldly life force as we see it today! The ancient Sanskrit writings of 'India' tell us that over 400,000 'human-like' species are scattered about the Cosmos on different planets and solar systems. And yet, there are many other unreachable (for now) dimensions! But let's get back to the 'wayward' life procrastinator in our class!

Some dimensions are calculated by the '10 to the 500' zero's formulations. That's the number 10 with 500 zeros after it! Let's hope our 'procrastinator' can count. When we speak of dimensions and creators we're thinking of multiple existing numbers like: 'One trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion! But that 'gargantuan' number is rather miniscule next to the maximum number in physics, which is 'Infinity!' Even Quantum Theory has a whole new 'wrinkle.' A wrinkle that can only be realized if we count the relative numbers of universes being designed and formulated by the 'Exacter of all' (God) that 'singlehandedly made all these worldly species! Can our illustrious student identify or even count 'His' number?

Please keep in mind, that in several extremely large and influential places, like: 'The United States of America,' have large 'mixed-breed' populations! I'm a scientist, so I don't care how it may look with skin coloration! But about 90% of American' s (inappropriately called) blacks have a 'mixed- breed' heredity with whites! (And others) They form a 'minor prediction of mixed breeding values to a major representation of these values! And all mixtures are not the same! The mixed sentiments (in my opinion) are forever 'compromised' with a longing for fairness to all races! This is a metrically 'mixed' total world! And this is a major 'inexplicable' part of unusual deep respect for others, in a racially mixed, (and in some areas) a Caucasian representation! But, with full knowledge of scientific 'genetic history,' many 'vehemently racist' white people (secretly) have some African (Black) ancestry!

Well, the answer to all the world's problems seems to be; '0 to infinity!' And there is another 'half a trillion' planets left to decipher in our Milky-Way alone! Or perhaps new planetary developments trying to exist with all the 'necessary' system technology and chemistry used designing them. They might carry within themselves even 'The secret seeds' of their own destruction! As seemingly indestructible as they may appear! Our Earth didn't form until 9 billion years after the 'Big Bang!' Countless other planetary systems in our universe had millions (if not billions) of opportunities to form advanced civilizations far in excess of ours! And this is only an example of, 'Him!'

And an endless number of anti-viral vaccines have been developed since our trek with many of the seemingly inexhaustible diseases like the 'Bubonic Plague,' in 600 B.C. (Anno Domini) costing 200 million lives in Europe due to rat infestation! This disease threatened the world with a deathly sickness to many even religious people who believed in the 'Buddha, and the Mahabharata in India, Zoroastrians in Persia, Pythagoras in Greece, and also Confucians in China!' Actually, many peoples of the world suffered (in part) from this (and many) pandemic diseases. Throughout history, we have been periodically subjected to extremely 'viral whims' of deadly disease but won! And for sure, we will again win, and defeat the current plague ! We will now release our student!

And that's it for now. This article sadly brings an end to our 11- year scientific broadcasting scenario on this website! I will leave this content with my students, and this individual class of brilliant scientists. In all your travels, please remember 'God!' Many scientists don't believe in 'Him'! No one knows where he is, but 'somehow' many know he does exist! Maybe somewhere in the 11 dimensions of 'String Theory'. Or some other rather illogical place. But he is not in a place we (humans) may call logical . Traditionally, he's definitely in 'some unknown 'Strata'! Please 'remember', 'no one' (here) knows exactly what or how 'God' looks, or how 'He' thinks!

Our universe is comprised of 'Cosmological Natural Selection! From the start to the present time! This reaction leads to 'Quantum Gravity' which controls 'Universe' reproduction! (And there are many?) And worldly 'Biocentrism' in the natural order of all living organisms. Man has attended every school of learning known to Man, for education about 'God' and has searched high and low. But all the 'Physicists and Mathematicians' have stopped looking and are full of nonprovable ideological ideas about his existence. 'Causation' Should be required for all these things. Such is the case for a reproductive (living or dead) humanity! The causation of all, is 'God'!

'His' contemplation is not easily understood! Even by those that make their living (educationally) being easily understood! One thing is for sure, 'God' is 'extraterrestrial!' 'He' is not from planet Earth! 'Life,' as we know and understand it, is not based on longevity. And can be far more difficult than just being 'our 'human' selves!' Our love for 'God' and each other is based now on a, 0 to 100-year life span. (+ or - about 10) With a longer life span, (say, up to 1,000) there may be even 'less love' required! Perhaps 'He' has it as it should be. (As always)

I will continue to write to many of you on your personal email. But I'll write without the tediousness and problems of carrying for the content of this website. I'll leave the website up on post for a while for your continual article reading. Thank you for your dedication and reading of my many articles, for these past 11 years! I believe you are all top scientists in my book! I will always remember 'all' of you! I'll see you at the 'Omega Point!' Either here, or somewhere in our 'ephemeral-type' shrouded future. Perhaps, even 'in the great beyond!' Love, and stay well.

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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